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Holly- Berry trees-

Holly Berry Trees (King of the Evergreen)

Holly berry trees whose scientific name is Ilex opaca in my collection were found along road ways, and as shrubs in many of the neighborhoods in my community. As shrubbery, they can be shaped into manicured designs such as lollipops, teardrops, small hedges and others creative designs. They can be identified with their red or orange berris that bloom from November to March the following year. There are other ways they can be identified such the dark green sticky leaves, red or orange berries. I remember from my childhood how families used Holly berry branches to help decorate their homes at Christmas time. The branches were placed above doorways, in corners, window seals and over fire places. It’s amazing how no one noticed how lovely these trees were until the Christmas season many years ago. Some are formed into wreaths where they play an important part in creating the spirit of the holiday season along with the Christmas tree. A simple walk through woods can reveal many of these trees and their symbolic red or orange berries which are hard to resist. They have scientific names but are often referred by their nick names are such name Ilex X Nellie Stevens, so named because of their pyramidal shape. Some holly trees grow best in South Florida because the heat doesn’t bother them. These trees can be grown all the way down and low to the ground loaded with red berries. Some holly trees left unclipped can grow into weeping positions toward the ground with foliage that is quite lovely to where no one is able to see the tree trunks. Those holly trees are called Yaupon Holly tree or Weeping Holly and they can withstand harsh weather.

How to grow holly berry trees. First, there needs to be a male and female plant

Some holly berry trees prefer sandy soil. Buy the plants in the Winter. Be sure to obtain a male and female plant. The word (dioecious) is used to identify Holly tree plant and indicates the plant could bare both female and male blooms. The bee carries the pollen between the plants. They can be started in a flower pot in the winter cold though not in the freezer like Tulips. Male holly as a pollinator

You only need one male holly for a garden of female plants. Don’t let the names fool you when you purchase these plants for example, Silver Queen is a male plant where as Golden King is a female plant.

Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' This free-flowering New York holly is perhaps the best pollinator for most other female Ilex aquifolium and Ilex x altaclerensis hollies. ( 3m/ 9ft)

Green Tea Leaves tree

How green is my valley?

"I've learned that life may not always be easy, but it's always worth living." Melanie Race

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